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A thriving world where the climate is safe for all living beings and ecosystems



To build and support a strong, informed civic movement that makes climate justice a top priority and motivates our elected officials to take decisive and urgent action.


  • Inclusivity: The climate crisis affects us all and all voices, especially the voices of those currently oppressed and most impacted, have a right to be heard. We also need to advocate for all the life-forms the climate crisis threatens.
  • Action: We are building public pressure to confront the climate crisis because people on the frontlines locally and globally, as well as future generations, need action NOW.
  • Effectiveness: We are advocating for bold system change rooted in climate justice and based on science and Indigenous knowledge.
  • Collaboration: Climate change will only magnify the impacts of the societal injustice that is currently affecting so many people. We will support, elevate, and amplify the work of those in the climate justice movement, especially those on the frontlines who are disproportionately BIPOC, as we work for a more equitable and sustainable world for all.
  • Strategy-driven: The civic movement for climate action is growing every day. We are a grassroots organization made up of volunteers, and we believe that concerted, collective actions can have a large impact.
  • Empowerment: We celebrate and support each other in the fight for a safe climate future. Everyone has a role to play by taking and urging decisive action on the climate crisis.
  • Empathy: At the core of our work, we believe change comes from the heart.